“The only rule for Ag Twitter Recap: If you don’t share it, we will probably miss it” -Easy Newz

March 22, 2024

Weekly AgTwitter Recap (WATR)

March Madness and still can’t agree on basic things in 2024

A cool tradition we can get behind, just as long as it’s not planting or harvest time.

Did not have Scott Stapp or Creed on my March Madness references Bingo Card —>

Also not sure Ryan is being nice here 😳😳😂😂

The new “Farmer Dad Shoes”

Step aside New Balance, we have “Wheat” Hokas

Sturdier ✅

more dirt resistant ✅

washer safe ✅

Looks super fancy getting out of an overpriced RAM2500… oops nevermind

Exactly Ted. Pebbles become mountains. Wheat +2% since purchase announced 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀

Wait, that’s not how wheat demand works???

You don’t hear wheat, cows, and promise land together very often. Usually it’s just “I f&$#ing hate wheat.” The comments here are great.

The most frustrating part of this business is fighting wheat every week, when you could just buy tech stocks.

Oops, how did that meme get in there?

The Call of the Week: There are bad takes & there are really bad takes.

Agriculture is unique. If someone can’t pronounce glyphosate, or misunderstands that cotton is bales, soybeans are bushels, and oats are not worth talking about, it becomes apparent immediately. As Kyle points out, missing the decimal point is a big deal. Hopefully a little more preparation and a little less on the job training will take care of this.

Farmers in the western hemisphere have grown consecutive record crops. Only a few years ago a trade war began between the USA and China. Commodity markets have incentivized planting and demand is pushed to cheaper origins (the Black Sea, Brazil, and Australia). These trends picked up speed following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

From the Progressive Farmer article this week (post below):

The irony here is that everyone, it seems, is benefiting from having a larger corn surplus, but not the people who actually grew the corn and made the surplus possible. As the story continues in early 2024, DTN's National Corn Index reached a low of $3.80 a bushel by Feb. 23, $1.26 a bushel less than the $5.06 USDA estimates it cost producers to grow the corn in 2023.

Here is from a DTN Progressive Farmer article on October 6, 2023 making a bull case and dredging up the 2020 bull market, the derecho, etc :

Be careful about what we think we know -- the future is full of surprises. I'm not suggesting corn is about to embark on a $4.46 rally the way it did in late 2020, but recent clues do point to unexpected potential for higher prices ahead.

The language in this whole revisionist version of history is especially bad. Record crops are now referred to as “modest.” “Pay cuts” as if the markets is governed by price controls. “Everyone else is benefitting” like socialism is our way of life. We could go on, but there is no need to beat a dead comrade.

“We are not going to suggest a $4.46 rally,” while doing exactly that. Six months later asks the question, “Does this make sense?”

Yes, making wildly bullish calls while the market produces record crops, is exactly how the market punishes us. It makes perfect sense.

Progressive Farmer saved as WaPo swoops in with the really, really bad take of the week.

No Tamar, we have not been doing this wrong for all of our existence. Human brain development-before social media turned it to mush-confirms this. That and human “preferences” have never won out to needs and natural selection. Only recently did some of us choose to pretend any of this is true.

I stand corrected from the revisionist comments. Getting things wrong is understandable, rewriting history is bad because we will not learn from it. But, pandering to a readership with intentional propaganda is worse. We expect this goes over well to many of the 58k X bots humans who viewed it. This is unfortunate.

A Quick Trip Around #AgTwitter

Shaun, don’t know a thing about these trees, but agree, they gotta go!

For the uninitiated, the Argentina ag policy circles have got especially entertaining.

These are serious people with serious responsibilities, apologizing publicly for completely unserious things 😂 😂 😂

We hope all of you get the help you need. But it will be for very different reasons.

New seatbelt, designed by Diego Jacob. Check back next week to see if he made it.

No Jason, he obviously trades crypto

A quick reminder it’s 2024, and we still cannot agree on the most basic things.

Pedro spoke this week about many “experts” who really are not experts at all. Try to figure out who the local experts are and follow them. Here is the series of events.

Soybeans are higher and “Russian expert” retweets about Argentinian exchange summary because soybeans are trending.

Then American professor states generic cliche that is right often, but really does not matter in this context.

Then US east coast farmer points out obvious cliche no longer applies & suggests to update curriculum.

This is a typical trip around Elon’s new bot driven engagement machine called X.

We will end with the reminder: stay disciplined and make an effort to understand where your information is coming from.

We hope you enjoyed it, and have a great weekend.

See you next week.