September 27, 2024

Meet Bridgette Readel, One-Third of AgMafia

Who Are AgMafia?

We are three individuals who have spent many years in agriculture in some capacity, (sales rep, ag retail agronomist, marketing and training manager, technical agronomist, managers of interns, agronomy coach etc.) when we each decided to start our own businesses.

We decided that the three of us should form a company together, focusing on sales and agronomy training, speaking engagements, and social media.

What Inspires Our Content

It is all the three of us have ever really done, so it just felt right to show what we do as a group. Most people don't really care about how much you know until they know how much you care about something. 

What's Unique About Farming in Our Region

Our area is pretty much the whole state of North Dakota. Kyle is in the SW corner, Jason in the NE and I, Bridgette, am in the East. 

Our crop mix is so diverse that a person has many opportunities to learn. Crops include spring wheat, corn, edible beans, sugar beets, canola, barley, flax, lentils, field peas, sunflowers, potatoes, chickpeas, mustard, alfalfa and hay, forages, safflower, durum, winter wheat, oats, and rye – not forgetting the livestock and honey too. 

This incredible diversity showcases the uniqueness that is North Dakota. 

The Biggest Misconception About Farming We Want to Highlight

One misconception is that there is a right way to do something in agriculture. 

There are many ways to tackle issues and most of the time there are positives and negatives to the same problem. Having the industry connections to find the right people to work with is something we feel we are good at. 

What we have coming up

We host an event in February in North Dakota on a frozen lake that is as much a trade show as anything you have ever experienced. Agronomy On Ice is a networking event for folks in agriculture to get together and talk about last year and the next. 

We get excited to meet and work with people and we like to provide the social aspect of a great meeting. 

Get in Touch

You can find us under Agmafiallc on Tik Tok, IG, X, and FB and you can also reach out to us on our website at

And a Very Cool Logo

We hope you enjoyed it, and have a great weekend. Every Friday we will be selecting a Creator of the Week to spotlight. Know someone who is doing cool things? DM us on our instagram @easynewz and let us know! 

Creator of the Week! Every week we highlight a content creator in Ag!